About the Event
Mount Southington’s Winter Carnival Special guest Billy Jones Entertainment will be playing your favorite songs 12pm - 4pm. Our 2025 Winter Carnival will include the Box Race, Coloring Contest, and Thule Ski and Bike.
Winter Carnival Box Race
BOX RACE: First Place $100, Second Place $50, and Third place $25. Prizes will be awarded to both categories and bragging rights to the top three overall. Top 3 in each category will be awarded as the following: Fastest Time! Most Creative! All boxes must be lined up at the bottom of Thunderbolt in front the outdoor patio at 3pm for judging. Race begins at 3:30pm Rules: This event is free! You may participate individually or on teams. There are no more than 6 participants on the team. Registration is at Guest Services and will end at 2pm on February 1, 2025 Tickets for the box race are free and must be picked up the day of the race at Guest Services. Every participant is required to sign a release of liability. Participants under 18 must have a parent sign the release of liability. All cardboard vehicles must be built solely of cardboard, tape, glue, paint and paper. No industrial pressed cardboard, plastic, wood, staples, ropes, twine, or wire will be permitted. The size of each vehicle is limited to 7 feet long and not more the 5 feet in width and must not exceed 7 feet in height. Cardboard vehicles must have front, rear, and at least two sides. No waxing allowed. All vehicles with participants in the vehicles must cross the finish line to qualify for prizes. Each team is responsible for clearing their vehicle off the mountain.
10am - 4pm - Coloring Contest
winners will receive a free Lift ticket. Judges will choose winners from four age group categories: Ages 3 - 5, 6 - 8, 9 - 11 and 12 - adult. We will announce the winners on social media. all ages included, located in The Mountain Room.
6pm - 9pm - RELIC
RELIC - CT's 80's Hard Rock Cover Band hits the stage, Featuring Allen Stone - Vocals Randy Paige - Guitar Doug DeBisschop - Bass, Backing Vocals Matt Balemian - Drums.
We want to hear from you if you have an event to share or updates to this event.