Wichita Audubon Society

P.O.Box 47607
Wichita, KS 67201

We are an association of people who love and enjoy nature and work to preserve it.

Our major education and conservation project for more than 30 years has been the development of Chaplin Nature Center. This 230 acre preserve near Arkansas City features a Visitor's Center staffed by a full time naturalist. Our naturalist conducts programs for school classes from across south central Kansas, as well as civic organizations, youth groups and the general public. The trails through the woods and prairies, leading to the sandbars of the Arkansas river, are open to the public from sunrise to sunset year round. Our members support Chaplin Nature Center with donations of money and time, including fund-raising, maintenance and construction projects, and staffing the Visitor's Center.

From September though May we have monthly programs that inform us and expand our horizons. Throughout the year we take field trips to interesting places near and far. All of our activities are free and open to the public. Our volunteers also participate in park cleanup projects, Christmas bird counts, environmental advocacy, Earth Day projects and a variety of other activities in support of our chapter and its mission:


The Wichita Audubon Society is committed to providing nature education, promoting environmental conservation, and encouraging appreciation of the natural world

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