Washington County Commission on Aging, Inc.

535 East Franklin Street
Hagerstown, MD 21740


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The non-profit Washington County Commission on Aging, Inc., an Area Agency on Aging, serves the Washington County community by helping seniors, those with a disability regardless of age and caregivers with ongoing services and programs such as nutrition and wellness services, congregate nutrition sites, a senior center, guardianship, small-group home housing subsidies, Medicaid waiver, a senior health insurance program, benefits screening, ombudsman services, as well as various other programs. We are also fortunate to have a dedicated legion of volunteers whose generous efforts are critical to our functions. The Commission on Aging promotes quality aging by meeting the needs, protecting the rights and preserving the dignity of our citizens.


The Commission on Aging assists seniors and those with disabilities regardless of age to maintain their independence for as long as possible by providing information, resources, and services and by advocating, planning, and coordinating systems.

Age requirements for the Commission on Aging’s services vary. Some programs do not have an age requirement.

The Commission on Aging provides services without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, marital status, or sexual orientation. WCCOA is an equal opportunity employer and grantor.


The Washington County Commission on Aging, Inc./Area Agency on Aging was recongnized by the Washington County Board of County Commissioners in 1973, and is a private, 501(c) (3) non-profit corporation that carries out state and federal mandates on behalf of the state and county governments. The Agency serves as an Area Agency on Aging as mandated by the Older Americans Act of 1965. Charged with planning and implementing annual short and long-range plans and delivering services to meet the county’s aging needs, the Commission on Aging coordinates with multiple organizational partners.

The Board of Directors is made up of elected and appointed membership from social service agencies, senior clubs, and representatives from the County Commissioners, area churches, and the community-at-large. An Advisory Council made up of representatives of stakeholder groups and community members is appointed by the County Commissioners and provides guidance to the Board and Executive Director.

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