Warner Park Nature Center

7311 Highway 100
Nashville, TN 37221


The Warner Park Nature Center is an environmental education and recreation facility of the Nashville Metropolitan Board of Parks and Recreation, Karl Dean, Mayor. The Nature Center is a place where people and nature come together.

Kids at PondWe serve as a jump-off point for exploring the 2684 acres of Nashville's Percy Warner and Edwin Warner Parks.

We offer a wide range of environmental education programs, school field trips, educator training workshops, outdoor recreation programs and other special activities for people of all ages.

We serve as a natural history and education reference center for individuals and groups.

We promote, and serve as a resource for organic gardening and native plant landscaping.

Our campus includes the Susanne Warner Bass Learning Center which houses a natural history museum and programming space; the Milbrey Warner Waller Library complete with an extensive collection of natural history titles; the Emily Warner Dean Administration Building; a working organic garden including a greenhouse and a cedar shadehouse; a wildflower garden and fern garden; the Frist teaching pond; grounds landscaped with native plants; and the main trailhead for twelve miles of hiking trails.

Our Mission

    * To provide quality environmental education and responsible recreation.
    * To help protect, preserve, restore and manage the park ecosystem and all natural resources.
    * To raise awareness, foster respect and share enthusiasm for the natural environment

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