Voyageurs National Park

1797 Town Road 342
International Falls, MN 56649


About Us:

Voyageurs National Park is a mosaic of waterways that flow into the Hudson Bay. Aquatic ecosystems, forests, and wild area add to the park's diversity.

It's a place of transition, between upland and aquatic ecosystems, southern boreal and northern hardwoods forest types, and both wild and developed areas.

The park is named for the Voyageurs, French-Canadian canoe-men who traveled these waters in their birch-bark canoes from the Great Lakes to the interior of the western United States and Canada. Modern voyageurs continue to ply these waters.

Voyageurs is a water-based park where you must leave your car and take to the water to fully experience the lakes, islands and shorelines of the park.

The National Park Foundation encourages and promotes local fundraising support at individual national park sites. Voyageurs National Park Association is a nonprofit partner of the National Park Service that supports Voyageurs National Park through natural resource protection, educational outreach, and volunteer recruitment.

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