Lansing Historical Museum

115 East Kansas Avenue
Lansing, KS 66043


The Lansing Historical Museum is a historically accurate restoration of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe depot built in Lansing in 1887. Architecturally, the depot is a classic example of a standardized rural/small town combination station. Demolition of the depot appeared evident in 1989. At that time, some enterprising Lansing citizens formed the Lansing Historical Society, whose main goal was to save the depot from destruction. The depot was given to the society with the stipulation that the depot must be moved from its original site. The Lansing Correctional Facility offered a location on its grounds, and it has resided there since 1992.

The Lansing Historical Museum houses a collection of artifacts, memorabilia and photographs covering the three areas of Lansing’s history: the town of Lansing, including the Delaware Township; The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroads; and the Kansas State Penitentiary. Visit the museum and see artifacts from one of Lansing’s first pharmacies, antique farming equipment and pictures of past Lansing inhabitants. The Lansing Depot is the only public/ commercial building standing, other than a small turn of the century bank. That building remains in the once prosperous downtown Lansing.

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