Kansas City Museum

3218 Gladstone Boulevard
Kansas City, MO 64123


Mission & Vision

The Kansas City Museum is a city museum. This means it is a museum that tells the stories of Kansas City and its people. We tell these stories through exhibits, programs, and events that focus on history and the humanities. The Kansas City Museum cultivates awareness and knowledge about the City's past, present, and future to connect people, places, and perspectives with the goal of fostering learning, encouraging conversations, promoting health and well-being, and illuminating a shared humanity.

As the Kansas City Museum explores our City's past, present, and future, we do so with the conviction that recognizing and understanding the whole story of our City's history is healing. Therefore, the Museum aims to be the “Home of the Whole Story” where lived experiences from individuals, neighborhoods, and communities that are often underrepresented and overlooked are acknowledged, honored, and elevated to tell more accurate, complex, and complete stories of our City and its people.


The Kansas City Museum preserves, interprets, and celebrates Kansas City through collections, exhibitions, and bold programs that reflect the City's evolution and spirit, and engage visitors in unfolding stories about Kansas City's vibrant history, cultural heritage, and pride.


The Kansas City Museum is a hub of learning, creativity, and collaboration where individuals and communities innovate and inspire engagement and civic unity.

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