Fayetteville Lincoln County Museum and Civic Center

521 South Main Street
Fayetteville, TN 37334


About Us

The Fayetteville Lincoln County Museum and Civic Center accepts donations made in memory of deceased family members and friends. We also accept donations to honor family members and friends who are still living. Many people have chosen one of these options to not only memorialize or honor an individual but also to support the museum in its effort to build a bridge to connect the past with the present and future. The preservation of our heritage and education of our youth are two of the museum's loftiest goals. Individuals who wish to make such contributions can do so by calling our Association Treasurer, Jane Pendergrass at (931)433-1282.

Highlights of the museum include:

* James Buchanan Memorial Courtyard.
* Pitts Lobby - Replica of her Modern Paint Store.
* Auditorium - Site of Carriage House Players plays, civic meetings, dinners, receptions,weddings, parties.
* Admiral Frank Kelso exhibit.
* Military exhibit.
* Home Demonstration Club exhibit.
* One room schoolhouse.
* Country store/Post Office.
* Extensive agricultural exhibit; 2nd largest collection in the state.
* Winter Wonderland w/Largest indoor Christmas Tree.
* Indian and Fossil exhibit.
* Medical exhibit.
* Space and Missle Command Exhibit.
* Houses items that the Smithsonian desired to procure.

Museum Hours:

Thursday and Saturday
12:30 to 4:30 P. M.
May through November
Closed December through April

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