Highlighting Basehor

Basehor Historical Museum Society

2812 155th Street
Basehor, KS 66007


The Society's History and Purpose.

The Basehor Historical Museum Society was formed in 1985 by life long area resident Olive Carney. Olive and her husband, Joe Carney owned and operated an antique store in the old feed store building on 155th St. in Basehor. The original group of society members met in individual homes. Eventually, display cases featuring small historical items were placed throughout the community. Display cases can still be viewed at Basehor City Hall and First State Bank.

The Basehor Historical Museum Society's major function will be to discover and collect any material which may help establish or illustrate the history of the area: its exploration, settlement, development, and activities, its progress in populations, wealth, education, arts, science, agriculture, and museum material such as illustrates the life, conditions, events, and activities of the past and present. The Society will disseminate historical information and arouse interest in the past by publishing historical material in the newspapers or otherwise; by holding meetings with pageants, addresses, lectures, papers, and discussions; by marking historic buildings, sites, and trails; and by using the media of radio, television, computers, or other media to awaken public interest.

The Basehor Historical Society will soon have a home. We will be moving into 2812 155th that will be used as a temporary museum. Lela Wiley and family donated the building to the Society to be used for a museum. Along with the Wiley donation, was a $25,000.00 donation from Mr. & Mrs. Bill Beaver in memory of Gloria Neu for renovations, Heartland Plumbing & Heating will be donating the plumbing, heating and cooling. Miller Sign Shoppe will be donating signage for the outside of building,Dixie Kreider donated $1,500 to assist us with the purchase of an emergency exit door.Many donations are continually coming in.

Plans are to still raise the money needed to construct a Museum and Conference Centerto be located at 158th & Parallel. A citizen in the community has pledged towards the Museum & Conference Center project. We have received the first installment of that donation which has been placed in a secure account.

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