Atlantis Natural

1717 North Bayshore Drive, Ste 218
Miami, FL 33132


We believe in raising children naturally...starting with parents. We offer:

 - Classes
 - Camps
 - Workshops
 - Natural health practitioners
 - Organic groceries
 - Organic children's clothing and toys

Atlantis Natural is a Children’s Enrichment and Wellness Education Center supporting families in their mission of raising children naturally, which begins with the parents.   We offer group and private classes for children and adults in dance, yoga, art, healthy cooking, meditation, and after school educational enrichment as well as health workshops. We provide a center for natural wellness with online and in person private practitioner appointments in Acupuncture, Reiki, Health and Lifestyle Coaching and Aromatherapy. We are a single source for organic groceries and children’s products from newborn to age 10.

History of Atlantis Natural
Atlantis Natural was founded in Miami, Florida in 2002, to help families raise their children naturally based on the following key principals:

Eat organic - good health starts from the inside out, from pre-pregnancy to feeding the entire family

Breastfeed - there is no better way to nourish your baby.  Weaning takes place in the West earlier than anywhere in the world.  Babies do not fully develop their own digestive enzymes until age 2 as nature intended those enzymes to come from mother's milk.  Breastfeeding quickly sheds pregnancy pounds and reduces future breast cancer risk.

Minimize toxin exposure - conventional skin care, clothing, feeding products, toys and cleaners often contain dangerous toxins like BPA and phthalates which are even more toxic to little bodies and can impact neurological development.

Heal naturally - there are times when conventional medicines are the best resort and always check with your health practitioner to be sure but most minor illnesses can be eased naturally with herbs, homeopathy, minerals and essential oils.

Respect the earth - make buying and service decisions that minimize waste, reuse what you can and recycle the rest.  Be conscious of what you throw away or pour down the drain.

Educate - we are never too old to learn how to take better care of ourselves and our families.

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