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Raise Your Voice to Reject Eversource’s Proposed Rate Increase for Residential Customers

Posted on 12/19/24

Eversource Rate Case 2024 Intervention.jpg

Raise your voice and sign the petition.

Eversource has submitted a proposal to the Public Utilities Commission to increase electricity rates (Docket 24-070) for its 500,000+ customers across New Hampshire. It also includes harmful provisions that could negatively impact all utility customers, not just Eversource’s.

AARP is fighting against this unfair proposal and will help ensure older Granite Staters have a voice in the process.

Why does AARP object to the Eversource rate increase proposal?

1)    The proposed increase is burdensome.
The average residential customer’s electricity bill will increase 17% or approximately $258 annually. That’s a particular challenge for many older residents and people who are already struggling to make ends meet.

2)    The proposed increase is unfair.

  • Eversource is proposing to increase the fixed cost that residential customers must pay before ever turning on the lights. The fixed monthly “customer charge” – the portion of the bill that does not change based on usage – would increase by 43 percent, rising from $13.81 to $19.81 each month. An increase to the fixed monthly customer charge reduces the amount of control a customer has over their electric bill. No amount of trying to conserve electricity can reduce that charge.
  • The rate increase falls disproportionately on residential customers. Instead of spreaking the rate increase evenly among residential, commercial, and industrial customers, the Eversource proposal hits residential customers much harder than others.

3)    The proposed increase undermines transparency.

Since it has a monopoly on utility distribution, Eversource must submit a request to the Public Utilities Commission to increase its rates, detailing their expenses and explaining the need for them. The members of the PUC then scrutinize this request, gather input from the public, and ultimately decide whether the expenses are justified and what constitutes a reasonable rate of return on the company’s investment. Eversource is proposing to replace this deliberative process with one that would pave the way for automatic rate increases without meaningful scrutiny or public input.

4)    The proposed increase is permanent.
While the cost of energy in the New England energy market goes up and down over time, the rate change proposed by Eversource would permanently increase utility bills. And since all future rates would be based on this higher rate, the effects will compound over time.

Focused middle aged man making calculations of utility payment

Now is the time to raise your voice and stand up for fair, transparent, and accountable utility rates.

Sign the petition to tell the NH Public Utilities Commission to REJECT the Eversource rate hike.

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