AARP San Antonio advocates for an update to the city’s Complete Streets policy

Posted on 07/01/24

Ismael Herrera, AARP San Antonio associate state director for outreach and advocacy, recently spoke before the San Antonio City Council’s Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. He voiced support for a stronger, more comprehensive Complete Streets policy that would address the transportation needs of San Antonians of all ages. In particular, Herrera emphasized the unique transportation needs of San Antonio's 400,000 older adults, and cited the various benefits that Complete Streets can provide.

Herrera told committee members that building infrastructure with alternative transportation in mind, like walking, biking and transit, creates a safe space for older and young pedestrians. A street design, like Complete Streets, that focuses on pedestrians, cyclists and others, could save lives – an important point since older San Antonians are overrepresented in pedestrian fatalities caused by vehicles.

The Complete Streets concept also supports aging-in-place. An AARP survey found most older adults want to age in place in their homes and communities. Safe and accessible streets support an older adult’s independence, their ability to be physically active, and their access to critical services, like grocery stores and healthcare facilities, as well as social or recreational activities.

The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee voted unanimously to refer the proposed Complete Streets updates to the full City Council on August 8, after approval by the Planning Commission.

AARP San Antonio has been a proponent of Complete Streets since the city's original policy adoption in 2011. As a active, long-term member of the San Antonio Complete Streets Coalition, AARP worked collaboratively to achieve the adoption of the original policy. After 13 years, the Coalition seeks an updated policy to address new needs, add performance measures, and focus on prioritizing equity.

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